Texas Victim Services Association

 A professional organization for Victim Service Providers

2024-2025 Texas Victim Friendly Initiative (TVFI)- Application

  • 01 Oct 2024
  • 12:00 AM
  • 18 Oct 2024
  • 5:00 PM
  • Online application



The Texas Victim Services Association is seeking applications from interested law enforcement agencies, prosecutors’ offices and non-profit advocacy organizations that would like to participate in its Texas Victim Friendly Initiative (TVFI). With funding from the Governor’s Public Safety Office, TVSA can provide this opportunity to six organizations at no cost.

The deadline to apply is Friday, October 18 at 5:00 p.m. central:

TVFI Application

The selected participant organizations will receive:

•Access and guided facilitation through the TVFI Organizational Self-Assessment process.
•Individualized coaching, technical assistance, and resources on improving victim-centered and trauma-informed care.
•Opportunity for designation as a Victim Friendly Agency by TVSA.

What is the Texas Victim Friendly Initiative (TVFI)?

TVFI is a quality improvement program targeted at assisting law enforcement agencies, prosecutors’ offices and non-profit advocacy organizations to become more trauma-informed.

How does the program work?

The cornerstones of the TVFI process are the TVFI Organizational Self-Assessment and staff survey. The self-assessment is designed to measure an organization’s environment, policies and practices related to victim care and interactions; it reflects best practices of trauma-informed care, Texas Crime Victims’ Rights, Office for Victims of Crime model standards and the TVSA Code of Ethics.

The Self-Assessment addresses the following key areas:

•Leadership and Governance
•Physical Environment
•Cross-Sector Collaboration
•Victim Interventions and Interactions
•Training and Staff Development
•Program Evaluation
•Crime Victims’ Rights

Additionally, a staff survey is administered to measure knowledge, perceptions and attitudes about trauma-informed care in the agency.

Once the self-assessment is completed, organizations are supported through a 12-month period of coaching and technical assistance in the areas identified by the organization as highest priority. At the end of the 12-month project, organizations have the opportunity for TVSA designation as a Victim Friendly Agency.

My organization is already certified or accredited. Why should I participate?

While other certification and licensing programs exist, TVFI’s focus on trauma-informed care sets it apart. This focus provides solutions to some of the challenges faced by victim serving organizations:

•victims that make contact once, but then stop engaging with the agency;
•victims that do not share all information or are not always completely honest; or
•staff that do not recognize ‘problem’ behaviors as signs of trauma.

The TVFI program is highly focused and targeted to address missed opportunities to provide trauma-informed care and improve case outcomes. Not only is that good for victims, but when victims’ needs are recognized and respected, victims are more likely to seek and participate in services, including the criminal justice system.

What is trauma-informed care?

Trauma-informed care or trauma-informed services are services designed specifically to avoid retraumatizing those who come seeking assistance. They seek “safety first” and commit themselves to “do no harm.” - Roger Fallot, PhD and Maxine Harris, PhD, developers of the “Creating Cultures of Trauma-Informed Care” approach to agency transformation

How do I apply?

To apply to TVFI please complete the application found here: 

TVFI Application

Download a copy of the program requirements here 

TVFI Program Requirements

Applications are being accepted through Friday, October 18 2024 at 5:00 p.m. central time and all applicants will be notified of selection decisions on or before October 28.

For additional information about the project please contact tvfi@txvsa.org.

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